Comprehensive Guide to Integration Testing | What Is Integration Testing ?


Overview about Integration Testing:

Integration trying out verifies the interactions between software program additives, along with modules, lessons, or subsystems, to locate interface defects. Those defects can also stand up because of miscommunication or mismatches among the interfaces of diverse components.

Integration checking out is a pivotal section in software program development wherein character gadgets or components of an application are blended and examined as a collection to ensure they work collectively seamlessly. It makes a specialty of verifying that unique additives of the device have interaction efficiently and convey the anticipated effects while incorporated.

During integration trying out, builders and testers assess how well the integrated components communicate and collaborate with every different. This involves evaluating statistics drift, control glide, and errors handling mechanisms to make certain clean integration and strong machine behavior. By figuring out and addressing interface defects early inside the improvement lifecycle, integration testing enables mitigate the chance of integration troubles surfacing later for the duration of device checking out or manufacturing deployment.


Permit's remember a easy instance of an internet software for an internet bookstore. This software comprises several additives, such as a consumer authentication module, a product catalog module, a buying cart module, and a payment processing module.

State of affairs:

Person Authentication Module: This module handles person registration, login, and authentication.

Product Catalog Module: It manages the list of books, their info, and availability.

Buying Cart Module: It allows customers to feature/eliminate objects from their purchasing cart.

Payment Processing Module: It handles the fee transactions securely.

Integration testing technique:

Identify Integration points: decide the interfaces among exclusive modules. For example, the consumer authentication module might also have interaction with the product catalog module at the same time as displaying customized guidelines.

Layout take a look at instances: broaden check cases to confirm the interactions among modules. Those take a look at instances need to cover each positive and poor situations. As an instance, a take a look at case might verify that a consumer can upload gadgets to the buying cart handiest if they're authenticated.

Execute take a look at instances: Run the mixing checks the usage of simulated inputs and eventualities. This involves invoking functions or strategies in one module and looking at the reaction from every other module. For example, simulate a user adding items to the shopping cart and confirm that the ideal items are reflected inside the cart.

Compare outcomes: examine the test consequences to identify any failures or discrepancies. If a check case fails, it suggests a capability integration trouble that needs to be investigated and glued.

Iterate and Refine: Make essential adjustments to the code and rerun the mixing exams until all troubles are resolved. This iterative procedure ensures that the additives combine easily and characteristic correctly collectively.

These ideas and strategies take the form of attention, analysis, comparison, substantiation, and justification.

System integration testing is the middle step of the SDLC in which components are tested in a collective group as a way of checking whether the data passes through the different components as expected or the various components work in harmony. In this section, I will illustrate a concrete example of integration testing in a banking application and present some kinds of integration testing

Big Bang Integration Testing and Incremental Integration Testing.

Example Scenario: Banking Application

Imagine a banking application with several modules:

  • Current Balance Module: The customer service features enable a customer to check her or his current balance.
  • Transfer Module: Customers are able to deposit and transfer money to other accounts.


Customer 1 and customer 2 are the same meaning the first customer has a balance of $1,000. He goes to the Transfer Module and style=”font-weight: bold”>transfers $500 to a third-party account. He then goes ahead and verify his balance through the Self Service Module called the Current Balance Module. Depending on where he is in terms of his budget, his balance should currently be at $500.


Five developers are involved having different stak for developing difference modules. In the end, Developer 2 has finalized the Current Balance Module, while Developer 5 could not fully accomplish the Transfer Module. This is a typical integration testing scenario which arises frequently in integration testing.

Approaches to Integration Testing:

Big Bang Integration Testing - Another approach is to integrate testing only at the end of developing all modules in a project or merely after developing a set of related modules.


  • Simple and straightforward.
  • Both approaches are also implemented simultaneously to integrate all the components.


  • Reduces flexibility of project delivery as testers wait for all the modules to be done in order to get started on testing.
  • Testing is hard and sometimes it is hard to standardize and differentiate one defect from another.

This can be done in several ways:

  • Top-Down Approach: Higher-level modules are tested first and then progressing down to the lower levels of the hierarchy in the design. This is where one has to make stubs for it to work as required.
  • Bottom-Up Approach: First, subparts of the system are subjected to integration testing, and then the entire system is tested. This entails establishing drivers; The Social Model and the Medical Model.
  • Functional Increment: They group them by functional activity in order to present the modules for an entire functional activity flow.
  • Sandwich (Hybrid) Approach: Incorporates the views coming from the organization’s headquarters with the opinions of lower-level employees.

Types of Integration Testing

System Integration testing focuses on whether individual units of applications or software products interacts as expected with other units.
Here are the main types of integration testing:

1. Big Bang Integration Testing:
  • Description: All the modules are exercised concurrently; therefore, it is possible to test the integration of every interrelated module at the same time.
  • Advantages: Simple and straightforward.
  • Disadvantages: Testing benefits: Hard to pin-point and correct flaws; the process is unfavorable, and testers may end up idle waiting for all the modules.
2. Incremental Integration Testing:
  • Description: Components are assembled and tested on an individual basis with this coming to an end until the whole device is assembled.
  • Advantages: Less complex as defects can be isolated more easily, testing is continuous with feedback being offered often, and suitable for projects of a massive scale.
  • Disadvantages: Fulfills fluider testing requirements but entails more planning and effort compared with linear form of incremental tests.
Subtypes of Incremental Integration Testing:

Top-Down Integration Testing:
  • Approach: The best way is to begin with the top level modules, and as each module is integrated, gradually integrate the lower level modules.
  • Advantages: The top-level specifications must be validated at least as early as architectures to gain insights into gross design defects.
  • Disadvantages: This is because a framework usually requires stubs for the lower levels of other modules that can be very tricky to develop.
Bottom-Up Integration Testing:
  • Approach: This means that testing should be done starting with the first or the second level and then proceed to add other levels as testing continues.
  • Advantages: Ease in validating low-level functionality since at this stage there is no difficulty in developing drivers for other higher-level modules.
  • Disadvantages: A testing approach that necessitates drivers which could be challenging to develop and the basic modes at the pinnacle are tested last.
3. Functional Increment Integration Testing:
  • Approach: Modularity is successive /successionistic, where modules integrate only based on a functional area at a time.
  • Advantages: Assures that a number of tasks run from start to finish before adding new depth and connectivity.
  • Disadvantages: Frequently it necessitates well-organized planning approach to control functional dependencies effectively.
4. Sandwich (Hybrid) Integration Testing:
  • Approach: The process of testing where two types of testing, the top-down testing and the bottom-up testing are combined. Unit-level tests come first followed by integration tests of successive higher and lower-level modules.
  • Advantages: Truly mediate between top-down and bottom-up strategies and aspects; decreases problem complexity.
  • Disadvantages: Complexer to manage might need stubs and drivers though they are basically byte-code interpreters.
5. Mixed Integration Testing (also known as Mixed or Blended Testing):
  • Description: Possessing the idea of four fundamental levels of integration testing, successfully adapts different integration testing strategies depending on the requirements of the project.
  • Advantages: Really can easily to change plans and can provide a most suitable testing procedures according to project needs.
  • Disadvantages: It is mostly planned and coordinated and could at times be elaborate in the execution.
6. Critical Path Integration Testing: 
  • Description: Involves testing critical paths or those more prone to containing faults, flaws, or issues in the application.
  • Advantages: Ignores coverage and stresses the prioritization of testing of critical features that could minimize the level of risk.
  • Disadvantages: Other areas of the system might be tested sometime in future, this could mean that even if there are defects in other part, it may take sometime before they are discovered.
7. System Integration Testing (SIT):
  • Description: Verification of system integrations and it interfaces with other systems and external entities.
  • Advantages: Makes sure that the system functions holistically, with all the sub-systems coordinated to accomplish the goals of the system.
  • Disadvantages: This kind of testing can be challenging depending on the external systems in use, which are beyond the tester’s control.

Benefits of Integration testing:

Early Detection of Defects: Integration testing helps identify interface troubles and integration bugs at an early level of development, decreasing the value and attempt of solving them later.

Progressed machine Reliability: by verifying the interactions among components, integration trying out ensures that the gadget behaves as anticipated underneath numerous eventualities, improving its overall reliability and stability.

More suitable self assurance: a success integration testing builds confidence within the software's capability to perform as meant in a real-global environment, leading to increased consider among stakeholders.

Here's the reference video for you to watch and better understand the topic:


In conclusion, integration checking out plays a critical position in ensuring the seamless integration of software components, thereby contributing to the overall first-class and reliability of the device. Thru careful planning, execution, and assessment of integration assessments, builders can proactively perceive and address integration troubles, ensuing in a strong and reliable software program product.

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