What Is Iterative STLC ?

The iterative software testing life cycle (STLC) involves repeating phases of the testing process to improve software quality through continuous feedback and refinement. Here is a structured breakdown:

Iterative Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC):

  • Requirements analysis
  • Gather and analyze requirements.
  • Identify testable requirements.
  • Prepare a requirements traceability matrix (RTM).

Test planning:

  • Define the scope and objectives of testing.
  • Develop a testing strategy.
  • Estimate testing effort and resources.
  • Prepare a detailed test plan.
  • Identify training needs.

Test case development:

  • Create detailed test cases.
  • Prepare test data.
  • Develop automated test scripts (if applicable).
  • Review and get your test cases approved.

Setting up the test environment:

  • Define hardware and software requirements.
  • Set up a test environment.
  • Configure the test environment and prepare the test data.
  • Perform smoke testing to ensure environmental stability.

Test execution:

  • Execute test cases.
  • Record defects and track them to closure.
  • Retest and perform regression testing as needed.
  • Update test cases based on feedback.

Bug reporting and tracking:

  • Log and report bugs in the bug tracker.
  • Assign severity and priority to defects.
  • Work with development team to resolve.
  • Defects on the track until the closure.

Closing the test:

  • Ensure all scheduled tests are performed.
  • Document test results.
  • Prepare a test summary report.
  • Hold a final test meeting.
  • Archive test artifacts for future reference.

Iteration and feedback loop:

  • Review feedback from previous iteration.
  • Identify areas for improvement.
  • Adjust plans and strategies based on feedback.
  • Repeat the cycle for the next iteration.

Key features of iterative STLC:

  • Continuous improvement: Each cycle involves feedback, improving process and product quality.
  • Flexibility: Adapts to changes in requirements and scope, ensuring that the product meets current needs.
  • Collaboration: Requires close collaboration between testing, development, and other stakeholders.
  • Early Defect Detection: Iterative testing helps detect and fix defects early, reducing overall cost and time.

Advantages of iterative STLC:

  • Improved quality: Continuous testing and feedback loops lead to higher product quality.
  • Reduced risk: Early and frequent testing reduces the risk of serious defects.
  • Better use of resources: Efficient use of resources through planned iterations and feedback.
  • Customer satisfaction: Frequent releases and updates ensure that the product meets customer expectations.

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