Top Demo Sites for API Testing (Practice Your Skills with These Free APIs)

Introduction :

In today’s digital environment, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are essential for seamless communication between software applications. As developers and testers, it is important to improve API testing skills to ensure reliability, security and proper data exchange across platforms. Fortunately, many websites offer free, demo APIs that simulate real-world data and scenarios. here we can mostly test bellow points

1. Response planning:
  • In response, note: the API can return data in a variety of formats, typically JSON or XML. By ensuring that the response structure is accurate and consistent with the specified methodology, API customers ensure that the application can analyze and process the data correctly.
  • Implementation Planning: The structure or structure of the response is as important as the methodology. For example, in a JSON response, you might expect a specific key with specific data types (e.g., "id" as an integer, "name" as a string, etc.). Schema validation ensures that each part of the response has the correct data type, structure, and nesting, and confirms the presence or absence of specific fields
2. HTTP status code validation:
  • Success Codes: A properly functioning API should return standard HTTP status codes indicating the result of the request. Example:
    • 200 OK: Displays a successful request with data returned as expected.
    • 201 Created: Usually used when a new object is successfully created.
  • Error code: In a failed request, the API should return an error code that provides information that clarifies the nature of the problem. Example:
    • 400 Bad query: Indicates that the query was invalid due to a client error, such as invalid syntax or missing parameters.
    • 401 Not allowed: Returned when acknowledgment is required for non-delivery or failure.
    • 403 Denied - Indicates that the request was understood but not authorized, usually due to insufficient authorization.
    • 404 Not Found: Indicates that the requested object was not found.
  • 5xx Server Errors: Codes in the 5xx range indicate problems on the server side, such as 500 internal server errors or unavailable 503 service, which help determine server status and error handling.
In this post we explore some of the best demo sites for testing APIs, including popular options like JSONPlaceholder and HTTPBin, as well as lesser known but very useful APIs like Jikan for anime accounting and CoinGecko for each cryptocurrency tracking API offers unique functionality, allowing HTTP requests. It provides tools to explore various aspects of feedback validation and data handling. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced tester, these APIs will help you hone your skills and build a robust testing system.

List of demo API's :

Here are some excellent demo sites for practicing API testing --

Features: A free fake REST API for testing and prototyping. Provides endpoints for posts, comments, users, and more.

Features: A popular mock API with a variety of endpoints for testing user-related CRUD operations. Supports delayed responses for testing latency.

Features: Provides a sample OpenAPI specification for a pet store. You can perform operations like adding, updating, and deleting pets, making it ideal for testing Swagger and OpenAPI functionalities.

Features: Allows testing of different HTTP requests, including GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and authentication headers. Useful for inspecting requests and responses.

Features: A simple booking API to practice CRUD operations. It has endpoints for creating, updating, and deleting bookings, and is commonly used for REST API testing.

Features: Provides random pictures and data about dogs. Useful for working with endpoints that return media and JSON data.

Features: Offers weather data via API. Good for testing REST APIs with authentication and rate limits (requires API key).

Features: An e-commerce simulation API with endpoints for products, users, and carts. Great for testing more complex data structures in JSON.

Features: Provides various endpoints for testing users, posts, comments, and todos with authentication (requires a token).

Features: Provides random quotes from "The Simpsons." Great for practicing GET requests and working with JSON data.

Features: A full-featured API for Pokémon data, including Pokémon, abilities, and moves. Useful for practicing complex JSON data parsing.

Features: Provides random jokes, with options for categories, language, and format. Good for testing filter queries and JSON parsing.

Features: Allows querying for book information, authors, and subjects. Perfect for working with query parameters and complex search data.

Features: Provides real-time data on SpaceX rockets, launches, and missions. Ideal for exploring nested data structures and handling large responses.

Features: Offers dummy data for posts, comments, photos, and users. Ideal for CRUD operations and testing different HTTP methods.

Features: Provides character, episode, and location data from "Rick and Morty." Useful for testing complex relational data and pagination.

Features: Provides cryptocurrency data like prices, trends, and historical data. Great for testing APIs with large datasets and handling frequent updates.

URL: (requires API key)
Features: Access data about Marvel comics, characters, and creators. Great for practicing API key authentication and handling large media data.

Features: Retrieves geolocation information based on an IP address. Useful for testing query parameters and API key authentication.

Features: Generates random fake data for names, addresses, companies, and more. Great for testing applications that require dummy data for forms or profiles.

Features: Provides interesting facts about numbers, dates, and years. Useful for testing APIs that return text rather than structured JSON data.

Features: Delivers random cat facts. Simple yet good for testing basic API calls and random data retrieval.

Features: Returns characters, quotes, and episodes from the "Breaking Bad" series. Good for practicing pagination and data filtering.

Features: Predicts a person’s age based on their name. Useful for testing APIs with single parameter requests and handling predictions.

Features: Converts text into different dialects, including pirate, Yoda-speak, and Shakespearean English. Ideal for testing text-based responses.

Features: Provides data on the International Space Station’s current location and pass times. Great for real-time data and tracking.

Features: Generates random user profiles with data like name, address, email, and picture. Perfect for testing user registration and data management systems.
Chomp Food Database API

URL: (requires API key)
Features: Access extensive food nutrition data for various ingredients. Useful for projects that involve dietary, nutrition, or food-related data processing.

URL: (requires API key)
Features: Access a vast library of high-quality images with search and category options. Ideal for testing media data and image-based applications.

Features: Provides recipes based on ingredients. Great for practicing search parameters and text-based responses.

URL: (requires API key)
Features: Offers a variety of endpoints, including data on planets, asteroids, Earth imagery, and the Astronomy Picture of the Day. Ideal for testing data with high variability and complex JSON.

Features: Access Spotify’s music catalog for artists, albums, playlists, and tracks. Great for testing complex APIs with authentication and various search queries.

Features: Provides location data based on ZIP codes for different countries. Useful for testing location-based search and parsing JSON responses.

Features: Predicts gender based on a name. Useful for testing APIs with predictive responses and single input fields.

Features: Provides information about breweries, including location, type, and name. Good for practicing filtering, pagination, and search-based requests.

Features: Delivers trivia questions by category and difficulty. Ideal for building quiz applications or testing random data responses.

URL: (requires API key)
Features: Provides real-time and historical exchange rates. Perfect for testing APIs with financial data and rate-limit handling.

Features: Provides data from MyAnimeList on anime, manga, and users. Great for testing complex relationships in JSON and large data structures.

Features: Offers data on movies, TV shows, and celebrities. Ideal for testing APIs with extensive filtering options and image data.

Features: Allows you to set up a custom REST API from a JSON file. Perfect for creating a mock backend and testing custom data.

Features: Returns sunrise and sunset times for any location. Useful for testing time-based data and working with geographic parameters.

Features: Provides public holiday information by country and year. Good for projects requiring date-based data and filtering by country.

URL: (requires API key)
Features: Returns geolocation details from an IP address, including location, timezone, and ISP. Useful for testing geo-targeted data.

Features: Returns random inspirational quotes. Simple and useful for testing random data retrieval and JSON parsing.

URL: (requires API key)
Features: Offers various data APIs like weather, quotes, dictionary, jokes, and more. Useful for accessing multiple endpoints from one provider.

Features: Generates random advice slips. Great for simple GET requests and working with text-based JSON.

To dive deeper into the process of testing APIs and see how it’s done in real time, check out this video guide that covers the essential techniques, tools and best practices for successfully testing APIs.

Conclusion :

API testing is an essential skill to ensure the functionality, security and reliability of software systems. With demo APIs available online, there are many opportunities for testers to learn and master API testing components.May find it useful for handling complex real-time data This public API lets testers verify data, troubleshoot latency problems, analyze server responses, and troubleshoot error conditions role, and other required skills. Whether you’re testing a simple GET request or a complex data load connection, these demo sites provide a realistic environment to test scenarios

By using these free API resources regularly, you can sharpen your skills in data manipulation, error handling, performance testing, and more.

Testing against these APIs also allows testers to cover a wide range of issues and optimize the automation script framework. For example, adding API testing to the CI/CD pipeline by using tools such as Postman or REST Assured can identify problems with APIs long before they reach performance Because they will be dormant with regular exposure to demo APIs, testers can become proficient at managing data on endpoints, modifying schema changes and testing edge issues

In conclusion, exploring demo APIs not only reinforces testing but also prepares testers for real-world challenges. And there are plenty of new demo sites
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