Top 50 MCQ for Automation Testing Using Selenium
Question 1: What is WebDriver in Selenium?
A) Object-oriented API to interact with web elements
B) Testing framework for Selenium automation
C) Browser used to execute Selenium tests
D) Programming language used in Selenium
Explanation: WebDriver in Selenium is an object-oriented API that allows interaction with web elements on a webpage.
Question 2: What is the difference between findElement() and findElements() methods in Selenium WebDriver?
A) They perform the same function but are named differently for clarity
B) findElement() returns a single WebElement, findElements() returns a list of WebElements
C) findElement() is used for locating web elements, findElements() is used for actions
D) findElement() is used for WebDriver initialization, findElements() is used for page navigation
Explanation: findElement() returns a single WebElement matching the specified criteria, while findElements() returns a list of all WebElements matching the criteria.
Question 3: What is the purpose of WebDriverWait in Selenium?
A) To wait for the WebDriver to initialize
B) To wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding with execution
C) To handle browser window resizing in Selenium
D) To manage multiple WebDriver instances in parallel
Explanation: WebDriverWait is used in Selenium to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding with execution.
Question 4: How can you handle dropdowns in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using getAttribute() method
B) Using Select class and its methods like selectByVisibleText(), selectByValue()
C) Using executeScript() method
D) Dropdowns cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
Explanation: Dropdowns in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using the Select class and its methods like selectByVisibleText(), selectByValue().
Question 5: What is the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit() in Selenium WebDriver?
A) They perform the same function and can be used interchangeably
B) driver.close() closes the current browser window, driver.quit() closes all browser windows and ends the WebDriver session
C) driver.close() closes all browser windows, driver.quit() closes the current browser window
D) driver.close() closes the WebDriver session, driver.quit() closes the current browser window
Explanation: driver.close() closes the current browser window whereas driver.quit() closes all browser windows and ends the WebDriver session.
Question 6: How can you handle alerts in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using Alert interface methods like accept(), dismiss(), getText()
B) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), contextClick()
C) Using Keys class methods like sendKeys(), getKeyCode()
D) Alerts cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
Explanation: Alerts in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using methods from the Alert interface such as accept(), dismiss(), and getText().
Question 7: What is the difference between implicit wait and explicit wait in Selenium WebDriver?
A) They both achieve the same purpose but using different syntax
B) Implicit wait sets a default waiting time for all elements, explicit wait applies only to specific elements or conditions
C) Explicit wait waits indefinitely until a condition is met, implicit wait has a timeout
D) Implicit wait waits for a specified condition, explicit wait waits for an unspecified condition
Explanation: Implicit wait sets a default waiting time for all elements, while explicit wait applies only to specific elements or conditions.
Question 8: How can you handle frames in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using switchTo().frame() method
B) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
C) Frames cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
D) Using driver.manage().window()
Explanation: Frames in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using the switchTo().frame() method to switch between frames.
Question 9: What is Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Design pattern to create object repositories for web elements and methods to interact with them
B) Framework for handling Ajax requests in Selenium WebDriver
C) Protocol for handling HTTP requests in Selenium WebDriver
D) Design pattern for handling multiple WebDriver instances in parallel
Explanation: Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium WebDriver is a design pattern used to create object repositories for web elements and methods to interact with them.
Question 10: How can you simulate mouse actions in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using getScreenshotAs() method
B) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
C) Using WebElement.sendKeys() method
D) Simulating mouse actions is not possible in Selenium WebDriver
Explanation: Mouse actions in Selenium WebDriver can be simulated using methods from the Actions class like moveToElement(), clickAndHold().
Question 11: How can you handle cookies in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using driver.getCookie() method
B) Using driver.manage().addCookie(), driver.manage().deleteCookieNamed()
C) Cookies cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
D) Using driver.switchTo().cookie() method
Explanation: Cookies in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using methods like driver.manage().addCookie() to add cookies and driver.manage().deleteCookieNamed() to delete specific cookies.
Question 12: How can you simulate keyboard events in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
B) Using Keys class methods like sendKeys(), pressKeys()
C) Using Actions class methods like keyDown(), keyUp()
D) Simulating keyboard events is not possible in Selenium WebDriver
Explanation: Keyboard events in Selenium WebDriver can be simulated using methods from the Keys class like sendKeys() and pressKeys().
Question 13: How can you perform drag and drop actions in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using Actions class methods like dragAndDrop()
B) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
C) Drag and drop actions cannot be performed in Selenium WebDriver
D) Using driver.switchTo().frame() method
Explanation: Drag and drop actions in Selenium WebDriver can be performed using methods from the Actions class like dragAndDrop().
Question 14: How can you handle multiple windows in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using window handles and switchTo() method
B) Using driver.manage().window()
C) Multiple windows cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
D) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
Explanation: Multiple windows in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using window handles and the switchTo() method.
Question 15: What is TestNG and how can it be integrated with Selenium WebDriver?
A) Testing framework that provides additional features like parallel execution, data-driven testing, and annotations
B) WebDriver method for handling test execution order
C) Browser used for executing Selenium tests
D) Programming language used with Selenium WebDriver
Explanation: TestNG is a testing framework that provides features like parallel execution, data-driven testing, and annotations, and it can be integrated with Selenium WebDriver for more efficient test management.
Question 16: How can you perform actions on a web element using JavaScriptExecutor in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using executeScript() method
B) Using driver.manage().window()
C) Actions cannot be performed using JavaScriptExecutor in Selenium WebDriver
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Actions on web elements using JavaScriptExecutor in Selenium WebDriver can be performed using the executeScript() method.
Question 17: How can you handle SSL certificate errors in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
B) SSL certificate errors cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using desired capabilities to accept insecure certificates
D) Using Keys class methods like sendKeys(), pressKeys()
Explanation: SSL certificate errors in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using desired capabilities to accept insecure certificates.
Question 18: What is the difference between findElement() and findElements() methods in Selenium WebDriver?
A) They perform the same function but are named differently for clarity
B) findElement() returns a single WebElement, findElements() returns a list of WebElements
C) findElement() is used for locating web elements, findElements() is used for actions
D) findElement() is used for WebDriver initialization, findElements() is used for page navigation
Explanation: findElement() returns a single WebElement matching the specified criteria, while findElements() returns a list of all WebElements matching the criteria.
Question 19: How can you handle geolocation prompts in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using WebDriver.Options class methods like setGeolocation()
B) Geolocation prompts cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Geolocation prompts in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using methods from the WebDriver.Options class like setGeolocation().
Question 20: How can you handle authentication prompts in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using Alert interface methods like authenticateUsing()
B) Authentication prompts cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
D) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
Explanation: Authentication prompts in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using methods from the Alert interface or by passing credentials in the URL.
Question 21: How can you perform headless testing using Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using headless browsers like HtmlUnitDriver, PhantomJS, or headless mode in browsers like Chrome or Firefox
B) Headless testing is not supported in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Headless testing in Selenium WebDriver can be performed using headless browsers like HtmlUnitDriver, PhantomJS, or headless mode in browsers like Chrome or Firefox.
Question 22: How can you simulate network conditions in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
B) Using tools like BrowserMob Proxy or Chrome DevTools
C) Simulating network conditions is not possible in Selenium WebDriver
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Network conditions in Selenium WebDriver can be simulated using tools like BrowserMob Proxy or Chrome DevTools.
Question 23: How can you capture screenshots in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using getScreenshotAs() method
B) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
C) Screenshots cannot be captured in Selenium WebDriver
D) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
Explanation: Screenshots in Selenium WebDriver can be captured using the getScreenshotAs() method.
Question 24: What is the purpose of Desired Capabilities in Selenium WebDriver?
A) To manage multiple WebDriver instances in parallel
B) To configure WebDriver instances with specific settings like browser version, platform, etc.
C) To handle cookies in Selenium WebDriver
D) To simulate network conditions in Selenium WebDriver
Explanation: Desired Capabilities in Selenium WebDriver are used to configure WebDriver instances with specific settings like browser version, platform, etc.
Question 25: How can you perform parallel testing in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using TestNG parallel execution feature or Selenium Grid
B) Parallel testing is not supported in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Parallel testing in Selenium WebDriver can be performed using TestNG parallel execution feature or Selenium Grid.
Question 26: What are the advantages of using Selenium WebDriver for automated testing?
A) Cross-browser compatibility testing, support for multiple programming languages, and open-source
B) Automated testing of mobile applications, built-in test reporting, and visual testing
C) Network simulation, handling of geolocation prompts, and headless testing
D) Integration with CI/CD tools, handling of SSL certificate errors, and parallel testing
Explanation: Selenium WebDriver offers advantages such as cross-browser compatibility testing, support for multiple programming languages, and being open-source.
Question 27: How can you handle dynamic web elements in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using techniques like XPath or CSS selectors with dynamic parts
B) Dynamic web elements cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
D) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
Explanation: Dynamic web elements in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using techniques like XPath or CSS selectors with dynamic parts.
Question 28: How can you perform data-driven testing using Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using TestNG data provider or reading data from external files like Excel, CSV
B) Data-driven testing is not supported in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Data-driven testing in Selenium WebDriver can be performed using TestNG data provider or by reading data from external files like Excel, CSV.
Question 29: How can you handle timeouts in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using implicit waits, explicit waits, or fluent waits
B) Timeouts cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Timeouts in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using implicit waits, explicit waits, or fluent waits.
Question 30: How can you verify the title of a web page in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
B) Using driver.getTitle() method
C) Titles cannot be verified in Selenium WebDriver
D) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
Explanation: The title of a web page in Selenium WebDriver can be verified using the driver.getTitle() method.
Question 31: How can you handle JavaScript alerts with input in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using sendKeys() method after switching to the alert
B) JavaScript alerts with input cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: JavaScript alerts with input in Selenium WebDriver can be handled by switching to the alert using driver.switchTo().alert() and then using sendKeys() method to enter input.
Question 32: How can you verify if an element is present on the web page using Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using methods like isDisplayed(), isEnabled(), isSelected()
B) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
C) Verification of element presence is not supported in Selenium WebDriver
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Verification if an element is present on the web page in Selenium WebDriver can be done using methods like isDisplayed(), isEnabled(), isSelected().
Question 33: How can you handle dynamic waits in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using WebDriverWait with ExpectedConditions
B) Dynamic waits cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Dynamic waits in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using WebDriverWait with ExpectedConditions.
Question 34: How can you navigate back and forward in the browser using Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using navigate().back() and navigate().forward() methods
B) Navigation in Selenium WebDriver is not supported
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Navigation back and forward in the browser using Selenium WebDriver can be done using navigate().back() and navigate().forward() methods.
Question 35: How can you execute JavaScript code in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using executeScript() method
B) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
C) JavaScript code execution is not supported in Selenium WebDriver
D) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
Explanation: JavaScript code execution in Selenium WebDriver can be done using executeScript() method.
Question 36: How can you handle frames in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using switchTo().frame() method
B) Frames cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Frames in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using switchTo().frame() method to switch to a frame by its index, name, or WebElement.
Question 37: How can you perform drag and drop actions in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using Actions class methods like dragAndDrop() or dragAndDropBy()
B) Drag and drop actions cannot be performed in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
D) Using WebDriver.Options class methods like setGeolocation()
Explanation: Drag and drop actions in Selenium WebDriver can be performed using Actions class methods like dragAndDrop() or dragAndDropBy().
Question 38: How can you simulate mouse hover actions in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement()
B) Mouse hover actions cannot be simulated in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
D) Using WebDriver.Options class methods like setGeolocation()
Explanation: Mouse hover actions in Selenium WebDriver can be simulated using Actions class methods like moveToElement().
Question 39: How can you handle multiple browser windows in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using getWindowHandles() method
B) Multiple browser windows cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Multiple browser windows in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using getWindowHandles() method to switch between windows.
Question 40: How can you handle dropdowns in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using Select class methods like selectByVisibleText(), selectByValue()
B) Dropdowns cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
D) Using WebDriver.Options class methods like setGeolocation()
Explanation: Dropdowns in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using Select class methods like selectByVisibleText(), selectByValue().
Question 41: How can you perform keyboard actions like key press and key release in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using Actions class methods like sendKeys()
B) Keyboard actions cannot be performed in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
D) Using WebDriver.Options class methods like setGeolocation()
Explanation: Keyboard actions like key press and key release in Selenium WebDriver can be performed using Actions class methods like sendKeys().
Question 42: How can you verify if a checkbox is selected in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using isSelected() method on the checkbox WebElement
B) Checkbox selection cannot be verified in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Checkbox selection in Selenium WebDriver can be verified using isSelected() method on the checkbox WebElement.
Question 43: How can you handle cookies in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using addCookie(), deleteCookieNamed(), and getCookieNamed() methods
B) Cookies cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Cookies in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using addCookie(), deleteCookieNamed(), and getCookieNamed() methods.
Question 44: How can you perform page scrolling in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using JavaScriptExecutor to execute JavaScript code for scrolling
B) Page scrolling cannot be performed in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Page scrolling in Selenium WebDriver can be performed using JavaScriptExecutor to execute JavaScript code for scrolling.
Question 45: How can you handle alerts in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using switchTo().alert() and methods like accept(), dismiss(), getText()
B) Alerts cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Alerts in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using switchTo().alert() and methods like accept(), dismiss(), and getText().
Question 46: How can you capture screenshots in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using TakesScreenshot interface and getScreenshotAs() method
B) Screenshots cannot be captured in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Screenshots in Selenium WebDriver can be captured using TakesScreenshot interface and getScreenshotAs() method.
Question 47: How can you handle SSL certificate errors in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using DesiredCapabilities class with ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS capability
B) SSL certificate errors cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: SSL certificate errors in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using DesiredCapabilities class with ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS capability.
Question 48: How can you perform file uploads in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using WebElement.sendKeys() method with the file path
B) File uploads cannot be performed in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: File uploads in Selenium WebDriver can be performed using WebElement.sendKeys() method with the file path.
Question 49: How can you handle geolocation prompts in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using ChromeOptions class with setExperimentalOption("geolocation", true)
B) Geolocation prompts cannot be handled in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Geolocation prompts in Selenium WebDriver can be handled using ChromeOptions class with setExperimentalOption("geolocation", true).
Question 50: How can you maximize the browser window in Selenium WebDriver?
A) Using WebDriver's manage().window().maximize() method
B) Browser window cannot be maximized in Selenium WebDriver
C) Using Actions class methods like moveToElement(), clickAndHold()
D) Using WebElement.getAttribute() method
Explanation: Browser window can be maximized in Selenium WebDriver using WebDriver's manage().window().maximize() method.
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